Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Why it takes so long...

I felt like I should take a moment to explain why my "blog" seems more like an anti-blog...

I would like to think that I am creative and fairly proficient in turning my thoughts into action, a curse more than a blessing most of the time. However, I find it extremely challenging to formulate my thoughts into posts that have value. Maybe this is due to the nature of my thoughts in general. *ref. towards the end*

The concept seems easy. Dictate your thoughts to the machines that we entrust to translate the complexity of our being into some understandable and seemingly comprehensible capsule containing a specific moment in words. So then, only one logical question remains. And that question is...

Question: Why does it take so long for me to post something?
Answer: Because I have so much junk floating around in my though life, it's amazing I can even get up, take a shower, drive to work and find my way home.

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