Sunday, March 29, 2009

You know it's Lent when...

... Your 5 year old goes to confession for the first time.

(just had to get this down in case I forgot)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Moving on up...

Glory to God for all and in all things!
I realize it's been a few since my last post, but I have a good excuse! We've moved! Yes, moving. That fun time when you try to plan ahead and account for all the "stuff" you've gathered/horded over the years since the last move.

The one thing I can say with 100% confidence is... I forgot how much "stuff" we've gathered since the last move. Let's see, looking back I seem to remember us as a family being a little on the "starting out" side. Morgan was maybe a year old and Zoe was about a month or two from being born. Ah yes, that accounts for about 70% of our newly gathered/horded "stuff".

It's interesting how we accumulate things over time. We accumulate things, some we need and some we don't. We accumulate relationships, some we think we need and others we think we could do without. What about the things that we accumulate internally or in our unconscious? Is it possible to inventory our unconscious? I'm not sure, that's why I am asking.

How do the things that live in our unconscious affect our day to day life? Just some thoughts I've been thinking about as of late.

Wow, it got all heavy in here all of a sudden.

So, we moved! We've still got things to put away and we've got things to gather!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

So, Here Goes

The Setup
A dear friend of mine and I were talking today while at a birthday party for my God-sons twin sons. During the course of our conversation he mentions to me that I should journal. I laugh of course because I know the flow of this endeavor. Usually starts with me getting inspired to write about something. Followed by me running out and spending $10/$2o on a new journal. After getting it home I enter the first entry, which is followed up by days of... well... intention. Intention to write, but with very little progress.

So, with that being said. I'm saving money this time and going "virtual" journal.

With today being the beginning of lent, I figured it a great time to start this journal. I can't say that I'll have a lot to say, but I'll sure try to capture what I can.

What is lent? Well, lent is actually this beautiful time in which we as followers of Christ prepare and journey with our Lord and Savior. This is only my third journey through lent (God willing not my last) and I can tell you that I am always surprised at how I am affected. I remember before our baptism and chrismation, my same dear friend gave me a bit of advice. We were discussing the difficulty of fasting, not only from certain foods, but with our whole being. Fasting with our eyes, our minds, our mouths... He said to me, "If you can't say no to a cheese-burger, what can you say no to?" So true.

We attended forgiveness vespers tonight and it is the one time during the year when I actually get to see everyone in the parish face to face. There were so many new faces, some joyous, some scared, and some even smiling. Beautiful people beaming with intent. Intention like that in the face of a runner at the beginning of a race set on winning. Mind made up, no changing direction.

There is one man that I fully enjoy seeing every service. He's and older gentlemen who sometimes walks with a cane. He is humble in stature and joyous in his smiles. The light of Christ shines forth from this man like I've read only in the writings about saints. Thank God for you, servant of God.

I am so very grateful for my best-friend and wife. She is patient and kind with me when I am not so patient and kind. My children who force me to be better. Last but not least, my spiritual father.

Glory to God in all things!

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